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The process

Free sample data

Send us a subset of your campaign contacts, our AI produces the messaging and we will review it with you. There is no obligation to buy

Full campaign

If the example messaging works for you, our AI will create copy for every contact in your campaign. We can normally produce your personalised list within 48 hours

Works with your CRM

Import the enriched contacts into your CRM, include the messaging fields into your outbound email and LinkedIn sequences and run your campaign

How does the AI work?

AI learns about your campaign

The AI will learn about your company and the product/service being promoted on your campaign, forming the basis of messaging

Real-time company searches

For each company in your campaign, our AI will search for relevant information that can be used for personalisation, including news, blog articles and press releases

Messaging Engine

The AI will then create tailored messaging using our lead generation secret sauce, combining details of the person being contacted and the company research

Supports cold outreach and reconnect campaigns

Messaging is tailored to either running a cold outreach campaign or reconnecting with past contacts.

Cold outreach

Messages contain personalised introductions referencing recent activity that can be used to initiate a conversation from cold


Messages refer to relevant events along with how you were originally connected, creating an opportunity restart the discussion


Only pay for the number of contacts in your list. More advanced campaigns may require an initial setup fee to customise the AI model. $USD pricing is subject to exchange rate.

Pay As You Go
£0.45 / $0.55- per contact
  • Optional campaign setup fee from £250 ($310)
  • Free example data

  • AI personalised fields included
  • Subject line
  • Ice breaker
  • Pitch
  • Chaser

  • Minimum order
  • 1,000 contacts

  • List turnaround time
  • 1-2 days
Getting started - test messaging quality before buying

Send us a sample set of contacts and we will return a list enriched with the AI generated messaging with no obligation to buy a full campaign. Follow the process below or alternatively contact us.

1. Click here to download the CSV example data template  Download Template
2. Populate the template with a maximum of 25 contacts you wish AI copy for. For best results, 1 contact per company
3. Fill in the form below with details about the product being promoted in the campaign and the populated template
4. Submit the form and we will be in touch with the personalised email copy. No commitment required

    Cold outreachReconnecting with existing contacts

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