AI Training
Our model will train itself on your company and the products being promoted to form a basis for messaging
Company Research
Each target company will be researched to understand the latest activity and challenges it may be facing
Personalised Email Copy
The AI will generate high quality personalised copy designed to be used throughout your existing email sequences
Works with your CRM
The process works with systems you are already using, meaning no need to implement a new platform or train users
Individually personalised emails are key to increasing outbound campaign response rates. Manually researching contacts and companies is time consuming and “personalised intro” generators aren’t enough to cut through the noise.
Our AI model enables companies to improve campaign performance by rapidly generating high quality outbound email copy that can be used within their existing multi-step sequences. Any list size is supported and the process works with all CRMs that support custom fields.
We can generate personalised email copy for a sample set of contacts, free of charge and with no obligation, to enable you to test the service. To get started, follow the process below or alternatively contact us.